Greetings Everyone… Big Bear says “Don’t Pee on a Tree.”

I’m excited to announce the soon to be published book, “Don’t Pee on a Tree.”

A book from Big Bear.

Follow the exploits of Big Bear as an older bear teaches truth to Buddy the little bear using a combination of tools such as “Learn It, Do It, Teach It,” explained in my book “My XYZ’s of Excellence – 26 Days to Excellence in Business Leadership and Life” as well as the parental mentoring method of “Share, Show, Support” we explain in “Don’t Pee on a Tree.”

Just as a reminder to all of you who love the outdoors, one truth

every “leave no trace” camper learns is that you never want to pee on a tree.  Peeing on a tree leaves a residue of salt behind after the water evaporates.

That salt attracts forest critters who then lick the bark.  Too many curious critters licking the bark eventually leaves a bare spot and if that bare spot encircles the entire tree, the tree will die.

So as Big Bear will tell you, “be a good forest visitor and pee on a rock instead, they’re tough.”


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